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Evolution of Cannabis and Man

Evolving With Cannabis 

Cannevolv is committed to bringing cannabis into the 21st Century. 


For over 2,000 years humans have evolved alongside cannabis as evidenced by recent archaeological discoveries. At CannEvolv we believe it's about time to change how we think about and interact with cannabis. 


We aim to shine the spotlight on leading cannabis brands that show leadership in several areas including purity, quality, sustainability, and community.  


At CannEvolv, we are building a strong community of cannabis enthusiasts while presenting to our readers some of the best cannabis brands California has to offer. We hope to usher in a new age of cannabis consumption without all of the outdated stigmas. Cannabis is being enjoyed by all peoples in all walks of life and we celebrate that.


Sign up for our email list below and receive a complimentary cannabinoid and terpene guide. 


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